How We Came To Be....
The organizational meeting of the Provisional League of Women Voters of Mobile, AL, was held May 23, 1955, at 10:00 am in the Fine Arts Room of the Mobile Public Library with Mrs. John (Margaret) McConnell, temporary chairman, presiding.

Mrs. A.H. (Edith) Bailey read the proposed by-laws which were explained and discussed by Mrs. Henry L. Killen of Orlando, FL, a national league director. The by-laws were adopted and passed.

Mrs. Finley Riggs, chairman of the nominating committee and a state league director, gave the committee’s report and recommended that the slate be accepted. Officers named were: Mrs. John (Margaret) McConnell, president; Mrs. John Lyle, first vice-president; Mrs. Herschel (Betty) Morrison, second vice-president; Mrs. A.H. (Edith) Bailey, secretary; Mrs. A.A. (Ann) Evans, treasurer. Directors elected were; Mrs. Carrol (Helen) Waterman, Miss Elsie Hansen, Mrs. C.A. Snowden, Mrs. William (Margaret Ann) Johnston, Mrs. John (Paula) Strauss, and Mrs. Fred Hover.

Mrs. Killen discussed the proposed budget plan, and Mrs. S.S. (Margaret) Steele was named chairman of the budget committee with Mrs. William (Margaret Ann) Johnston, Mrs. H.C. Nihart, and Mrs. William Macon to serve on her committee.

Mrs. Killen also discussed the town government survey to be completed by the provisional league before local league status could be granted. There were 29 members in the league at that first meeting.

In their provisional status, the officers served for only one year. Mrs. A.A. (Ann) Evans became the next president in 1956. In 1957, officers were elected for two years.
Who We are Now...
“The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy. The League's enduring vitality and resonance comes from its unique decentralized structure. The League is a grassroots organization, working at the national, state and local levels. “There are Leagues in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Hong Kong, in addition to the hundreds of local Leagues nationwide. The League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters Education Fund operate at the national level with grassroots support from state and local Leagues. “The League of Women Voters is strictly nonpartisan; it neither supports nor opposes candidates for office at any level of government. At the same time, the League is wholeheartedly political and works to influence policy through advocacy. It is the original grassroots citizen network, directed by the consensus of its members nationwide. The 900 state and local Leagues – comprising a vast grassroots lobby corps that can be mobilized when necessary. “Over time, the League’s legislative priorities change to reflect the needs of society and critical issues of concern. The organization remains true to its basic purpose: to make democracy work for all citizens. The League of Women Voters makes a difference in the lives of citizens because of the energy and passion of thousands of members committed to our principles.” -- From the website of the LWV of the United States 
Current Leaders 2012-2013

-- vacant --
 Vice President – Membership
 Beth Hardaway
 Vice President – Programs
 Gina Finnegan
 Mary Ann Merchant
 Charletta House
 Director at Large
 Mark Berte
 Director at Large
 Barbara Caddell
 Director at Large
 Martha Collier
 Director at Large
 Jane Gordon
 Director at Large
 Mary McGinnis
 Director at Large
 Andrea Pennington
 Director at Large
 Rella Snetsinger
 Voter Services
 Anne Walsh
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